Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Secrets To Staying Committed To Your Plan

Every January, on average one in three people commit to better themselves in some way, and though most make it through the first week, only about 46% of those people are still on track six months later.  Months after the confetti has been swept up and the parties have ended, so has the emotion to change.  So I thought it would be a great way to start the New Year by talking about resolutions for health and happiness that will stick.

When taking on any healthy lifestyle change, it's important to look at it in a positive way.  By thinking of things to ADD to your life rather than giving things up, we can change our perspective to that of excitement and confidence.

Add A Vegetable To Your Lunch And Dinner Each Day

One small but healthy change you can make is to commit to getting more vegetables in your diet.  By adding just one serving to your lunch and dinner each day, you can significantly increase your nutrients and vitamins.  So instead of having those fries with your burger, add some green beans or squash instead.  Not only will this reduce your intake of bad foods, but it will highly increase your consumption of the good foods our body needs for optimum health.  

Add An Extra Glass Of Water To Your Day

Studies show that very few people get the adequate water that their body needs on a daily basis.  By consciously choosing to add just one glass of water a day to your current fluid intake will greatly increase your bodies ability to stay hydrated.  By staying properly hydrated, your body is able to rid itself of toxins through our natural elimination process much better than if we are not consuming a proper amount of fluids.  Water also helps your body fight illnesses because water is part of lymph fluid in our immune system.  Additionally, if you are trying to lose weight, it is imperative that you remain hydrated because the body needs to flush the byproducts of the fat it's breaking down.

Add Whole Grains To Your Menu

By adding whole grains to your diet instead of refined grains, you are able to lower your risk of many chronic diseases.  Studies show that whole grains reduce your risk of stroke by as much as 36%, reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes by 30%, reduce your risk of heart disease by 28% and also helps you maintain a healthier weight.  

Add Daily Exercise

Pick any exercise you want and add it to your day.  Even if it's just 20 jumping jacks or 10 push ups, any exercise is better than none.  Take 15 minutes of your day and commit to using it for some type of exercise no matter what it is.  After you have created a habit of adding this to your day, you can slowly work your way up to longer, more productive workouts.  

So, no matter what your new year's health goals are, it is best to not consider it as a plan of giving things up.  By adding healthier options daily, you will automatically begin to feel better, be more motivated to succeed and eventually WANT to give those unhealthy things up.  For now, just add health and the rest will take care of itself.

Until next time, keep working on that health, happy life you deserve.

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Not eating your fruits and vegetables like you should? Get what you are missing with Greens, a delicious orange-flavored, alkalizing drink powder with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving.
Greens blends 38 herbs and nutrient-rich "superfoods" to provide vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes in their naturally-occurring, bio-active, bio-available form.
  • Detoxifying, alkalizing drink powder
  • Promotes pH balance within the body
  • 38 herbs & nutrient-rich “superfoods”
  • Equivalent of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving
Greens is a pleasant tasting, orange-flavored powder. Simply add to water or juice.  Click Here for more information or to purchase.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Any link or ads that take you to an outside party indicates that I likely have an affiliate relationship and benefit in some way either by reciprocal links or financially.  I make all product recommendations and affiliate ad choices based on what I feel will most benefit my readers, not how much my commission or benefit is from that affiliate.  

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