Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Common Nutrition Myths And Mistakes

Common Nutrition Myths And Mistakes

We know nutrition is one of the main components of any healthy lifestyle change, however, with all the information out there, we must be careful to make sure we know the myths from the facts.  This report has been written to help you sort through the common myths and mistakes we make in our nutrition planning and implementation.

Myth #1:  Carbohydrates At Night Make You Fat

Not True!  Carbohydrates by themselves will not make you fat.  It’s important to remember the simple fact that calories are what will ultimately cause or reduce your weight.  The fact is that if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight,  if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight, and if you consume and use the same amount then you will maintain your weight.  It is not about eating carbs at night, it’s your overall calorie intake throughout the day compared to your overall calorie usage that will determine how your body responds. 

Myth #2:  Sodas Are Bad, Drink Fruit Juice Instead

True, sodas are bad for you.  However, fruit juices, although they provide much of the needed vitamin C and other vitamins, they are very high in calories and sugar.  I recommend keeping your fruit juice intake to before or after workouts and at breakfast.  By doing this, you are getting fueled and recovered from workouts well, but you are not overdoing it on the overall calories and sugar.  Additionally, because of the high level of sugar, and because the body absorbs fruit juice very well, it causes an insulin spike in the blood stream that triggers fat storage and increases your appetite.  My best suggestion on this is to drink water as a substitute for sodas and fruit juice.

Myth #3:  Egg Yolks Are Bad For You Because They Are High In Cholesterol And Fat 

Not True! Well they are high in both of those, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are bad for you.  All of the eggs vitamin D, E and A are located in the yolk.  The yolk portion also contains more manganese, copper, phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and zinc than the egg white itself. The reason why so many people avoid the egg yolk is because of the high cholesterol level. However, recent studies show that humans do not absorb much cholesterol from the egg yolk (University Science article on eggs and cholesterol). With that said, why would you toss away such a perfectly nutritious food?

Myth #4:  A Fat Free Diet Is Good For You

Um NO!  Let’s start with the fact that it’s almost impossible, plus we all need good fats in our diet.  We need dietary fats to carry fat-soluble vitamins such as D, E, K and X.  Our body also needs essential fatty acids found in plants and fish in order to properly function.  Those essential fatty acids keep our cell membranes watertight.  By making sure we get these essential fatty acids, we help our body avoid symptoms of inflammatory problems like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and we also help support heart health and joints.  Fats are not your enemy.  We just want to make sure we consume the right amounts and the right kinds.

Myth #5:  Water Makes You Gain Weight

Really?  Our body is made of 80% water.  Even a 2% drop in that level can cause our bodies to dehydrate.  Do not skip on water.  It is very important for our well-being.  I recommend you drink ½ your body weight in ounces everyday for optimum health.  Just like a car cannot run without gasoline or oil, we cannot run without water.  Drinking enough water can help reduce your risk of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%!  Just keep in mind that if you are doing cardiovascular exercises that cause sweating, we need to replace that water on top of what we normally need.  Consuming water will not cause your body to retain it.  If you don’t drink enough water then your body will think it is scarce and then it will want to retain it.  So the bottom line is drink more water to avoid water weight so your body will know that it does not need to retain it and it can flush it out, cleansing your entire body in the process.

Myth #6:  Sea Salt Is Better Than Table Salt

Salt is Salt.  Sea salt is made from evaporated seawater, but the amount of sodium per teaspoon is the same as table salt that comes from a mine.  They both contain about 2300 milligrams of sodium per teaspoon.  Plus, table salt is regularly fortified with iodine, which plays an important role in regulating the hormones in the body.  Sea salts have virtually zero iodine, so unless you have an allergy to iodine, you are simply wasting your money if you choose sea salt over regular table salt. 

Myth #7:  "Trans Fat Free" Foods Are Really Trans Fat Free

False!  The guidelines from the FDA allow companies to claim “trans fat free” as long as the level of trans fats in the product is not more than 0.5 grams per serving.  Due to their link to heart disease, the World Health Organization recommends keeping them to a level of less than 1 gram per 2000 calories consumed.  This means if your cupboard is full of products that claim to be free of trans fats, but they actually have 0.5 grams per serving, then you will easily exceed the recommended dosage.   Your best bet is to read labels.  Avoid any foods or products that state,  “partially hydrogenated oil” (meaning trans fat) anywhere on their ingredients list.  This will help you stay within the recommended dosage. 

Myth #8:  Chocolate Is Bad For You

False againCocoa is a plant-based food full of flavonoids.  These help to increase blood flow and release endorphins, which are our body’s feel good neurotransmitters.  They also contain stearic acid, which is a healthy saturated fat that has shown to increase your good HDL cholesterol.  Keep in mind however, chocolate doesn’t mean “milk” chocolate.  Milk chocolate contains far more sugar than actual cocoa.  Look for 60% or more of cocoa when choosing your chocolate so that you can receive maximum health effects and still curb your sweet tooth.

Myth #9:  Oranges Are Your Best Source Of Vitamin C

You guessed it.  Not true.  Vitamin C is far more than a simple immune booster.  It is an antioxidant that strengthens the skin by helping to build collagen.  It helps improve your mood by increasing the flow of norepinephrine and it boosts the metabolic ability of the body by helping to transport fat cells into the body’s energy-burning mitochondria.  However, your body can neither store nor create vitamin C, so you need a rich supply all the time.  While oranges claim to fame is vitamin C, and it is a good source, it is by no means the best.  Papayas, brussel’s sprouts, strawberries, broccoli and red bell peppers are all sources of just as much vitamin C as an orange, but with fewer calories.  So, next time you are looking to get your C vitamin, reach for one of these instead. 

Myth #10:  Meat Is Bad For You

We need meat.  Among the world’s best sources of complete protein are pork, beef and lamb.  A Danish study found that dieting with 25% of your calories from protein could help you lose up to twice as much as dieting with only 12% protein.  And don’t forget about B12, which is essential for building red blood cells.  B12 is only prevalent in animal-based products.  Adequate intakes of B12 help protect against brain shrinkage, according to British researchers.  So don’t skimp on the meat.  Make sure to get an adequate amount in your diet so that your body can perform at its peak. 

So the next time you hear someone talking about nutrition, don’t believe everything you hear.  If you are skeptical, do some research.  Even if you aren’t skeptical, it’s always best to confirm something before accepting it as fact.  Many people read health magazines and the like, but the truth is they have an agenda.  They make profits as many ways as they can, and this includes advertising from nutritional product suppliers.  These manufacturers are biased, and we cannot take their word for it. 

Always do your homework and ask people you trust.  If you don’t have anyone you can ask, there is always that beast at the gym that seems to always be doing it right.  Keep in mind that any nutrition information should be used only as a guideline and not as absolute truth because every individual is unique in his or her own way.  Experiment and see what type of diet and nutrition plan works for you.  Let’s face it, we’ve all fallen for nutritional myths, so the best advice is to listen to logic and do some research, because the sooner you realize if it’s a myth or truth the better off you will be. 

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Product Recommendations:

Not eating your fruits and vegetables like you should? Get what you are missing with Greens, a delicious orange-flavored, alkalizing drink powder with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving.
Greens blends 38 herbs and nutrient-rich "superfoods" to provide vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes in their naturally-occurring, bio-active, bio-available form.
  • Detoxifying, alkalizing drink powder
  • Promotes pH balance within the body
  • 38 herbs & nutrient-rich “superfoods”
  • Equivalent of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving
Greens is a pleasant tasting, orange-flavored powder. Simply add to water or juice.  Click Here for more information or to purchase.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Any link or ads that take you to an outside party indicates that I likely have an affiliate relationship and benefit in some way either by reciprocal links or financially.  I make all product recommendations and affiliate ad choices based on what I feel will most benefit my readers, not how much my commission or benefit is from that affiliate.  

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