Many people skip the warm up and cool down part of their workouts because they feel jumping in and getting going is the best use of their workout time. This is completely false. If you do not have a proper warm up you are just itching to get injured.
A proper warm up involves 5-10 minutes of stretching and low intensity cardio to get the body prepared to exercise at a higher level. Blood flow, heart rate and oxygen levels increase gradually, and make the workout much more enjoyable and safe. Warm muscles and joints are more pliable and less likely to rip or tear during activity. The increased blood flow helps oxygen and essential nutrients to get to your working parts so that you can be strong and effective during your workout. Because this redirection of blood flow takes time, you will tire more quickly during your workout if you do not do a proper warm up. Additionally, your heart rate will increase gradually with a warm up, and allow you to control your breathing much better than if you jump into a high intensity workout and cause your heart rate to shoot up quickly.
Cool Down
After your workout, it is important to give your body the necessary time for recovery before plopping down on the couch or jumping into the shower. You need to ease out of your workout the same way you eased into it. Walk or jog at an easy pace for 2-5 minutes. This helps to redirect the blood flow back to where it needs to be during rest. After your heart rate has slowed down, you should spend another 5 minutes or so stretching your muscles to make sure they don't get stiff and sore. Without the proper cool down, you risk the chance of blood pooling in your legs or other body parts. This can cause dizziness, fainting and nausea. Working out should leave you feeling happy and accomplished, not sick and dizzy.
So, the next time you workout, don't skimp on the warm up and cool down phase of your routine. It will not only help you to enjoy your workout more, but it will greatly benefit your body and help with keeping you feeling strong and healthy during your training sessions.
Until next time, keep working on the healthy, happy life you deserve.

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