Wednesday, May 27, 2015

You Know You Are "Next Gen" When….

Those of us over 30 are just now coming around to accepting a world that doesn't include a 9 to 5 job and a Corporate America pension.  We were trained as children to go to school then to college, get a job and work 40 hours a week only to find out after 30 years that our retirement isn't going to hold us over.  Over 60% of the people who retire have to go back to a part time job just to make ends meet.  The younger generations figured it out.  Millions have been made from dorm rooms in colleges all over the country so today I thought I would give you 6 ways to tell if you are truly "Next Gen" or at least have the mindset of that generation.

You know you are "Next Gen" when….

1.  You've watched as your roommate made his half of the rent from his mobile phone at starbucks.

2.  You've listened to your professors speak of pensions, retirement plans and investments and thought of how ridiculous it is to worry about any of those things when you can generate enough income to retire working from your laptop in your p.j.'s in the time it takes for your professor to reboot his dinosaur computer.

3.  You've had at least 3 business meetings over the beer pong table in the common room of your apartment complex.

4.  You can generate more in 3 hours on the computer than your parents combined income for the year.

5.  A 40 hour work week isn't even in your vocabulary and 9 to 5 is a Dolly Parton song.

6.  Your parents think network marketing is a pyramid scheme, but you bought their last three Christmas gifts, birthday gifts and anniversary gifts with your check from your network marketing business.

I'm not so sure that the next generation has such a bad idea.  We could learn a lot from their laid back, work from home mentality.  So to the beer pong business meetings I say "Cheers!"

Until next time, keep reaching for that healthy, happy life you deserve.

Are you a "Next Gen" looking for an opportunity? Go to to get started today.