As I was speaking to a friend today, she inspired me to write today's blog topic on "Divine Motivation." Now I know some of you may not have the same Christian back ground that I have, however, this can still be applied to your belief system wether you believe your success comes from a desire that was already in you at birth, a higher power that operates in your life or from the people who influence you. The point is that we all have something that keeps us going. Some inner motivation that pushes us to be better.
In the book of Romans, the bible says, "The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by the same Spirit living within you."
We all have dead places in our life. It may be feelings of inadequacy, feelings of fear, lack of good health, past failures or an entire host of other things. We lock them away in a sort of tomb so that we can pretend they don't exist, but the truth is THEY DO, and the longer we avoid identifying those things the longer we will stay stuck in our current life, health and relationships.
But what if we actually took the time to identify the places and things in our life that are feeling flatlined? It is at this point that we can clearly see where God, or whatever you identify as your inner voice, is waiting to bring a resurrecting work. God longs to fill you will overcoming power that can only come from him. Those things that are holding you back don't have to stay buried in a tomb. They can be released and in doing so it will bring on a freedom and motivation to change and fix the things that we need to face.
I don't mean someday, I mean NOW! Someday is a curse word from now on. Simple and plain profanity. If we want to truly transform our lives, our health, our relationships and our finances then we must stop hiding behind the "maybes" and "somedays." Too many dreams have died on the altar of someday. Aren't you sick of waiting? Aren't you sick of looking back at yesterday and saying, "I'll start today instead" and then the next day saying the same thing?
Jesus only stayed in that tomb for 3 days. We have to let the things that are keeping our dreams and hopes buried out of the tomb and begin to live the life that Jesus died to give us. What dreams and hopes have you been keeping buried out of fear or lack of belief? Start taking action today to make them happen and stop focusing on your fears that you can't do it. YOU CAN!
Until next time keep reaching for that healthy, happy life you deserve.
*LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE YOUR FINANCES AND YOUR HEALTH? Join me at I want to help you change your future and reach your dreams.