Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Aging Can be Elegant!

We all naturally assume that with age comes body and health decline, but what we fail to realize is aging is inevitable; however, the health effects and ailments that most of us get are optional.  Yes, I said that.  They are, for the most part, our choice.  The majority of the aches and pains we have as we get older are not natural aging, but merely lifestyle choices. 
Don’t get me wrong, gray hair, gravity taking its toll and getting your meals at half price are all uncontrollable effects of aging, however, decay and corrosion are not.  You will begin to look old over time, but you don’t have to feel it.  We can choose to make aging a very elegant and beautiful process simply by making a few lifestyle changes.  Even on the appearance side of aging we can make a huge difference.  We all know there is a large contrast between a good looking, healthy older person and one that has obviously chosen to let their selves corrode.  

The first and most important change we can make in this process is exercise.  It’s who we are designed to be – gatherers and hunters.  Millions of years ago we were in charge of our food.  If we didn’t gather or hunt it, we didn’t eat.   Our biological make up hasn’t changed.  We are designed to be active.  Our brain is blind to the fact that we live in a world of abundance.  The signals it sends to our body are based on our original hunter and gatherer creation.  When we choose inactivity, we signal our brain that we are in winter, or famine or some other natural disaster that tells our body to begin to atrophy and die.  You see, millions of years ago, we naturally died after child bearing years were over to make room for the next generation.  This made sense because procreation was a main purpose of living during that time.  Now, that’s not the case.  The older generation now serves to provide wisdom and guidance to the younger generations, and is a valuable asset to our society.  However, retirement, all too often, leads to atrophy.  Retirement seems to equal inactivity, which, in turn leads to corrosion and death.  Sounds great as we head into our older years, right?  Well don’t be discouraged, in part two of this series of choosing health, we will talk about choices that affect our health and look at beginning to reverse and control the process of aging and health.  Until then, keep working on the healthy, happy life you deserve.

Take your FREE health assessment at

Monday, March 28, 2011

Relax, anywhere at anytime!

Learning to relax is crucial to both our mental and physical health.  Each of us, as individuals, must find a relaxation technique that works for us.  When you feel calm, your body and brain work at their best.  You see things from a better perspective, and life seems a little easier to deal with.  This helps your body deal with emotions much better and helps it to recharge and re-energize.  Learning to unwind at anytime trains your body to give you more "real" energy throughout the entire day. 

Rules for relaxation:
1.  Find a quiet place if possible.  (Even if it has to be the restroom)
2.  Turn off your phone.
3.  Make sure you are comfortable.
4.  Try to use the same place everyday so your body gets used to it.
5.  Try to let go of all your worries for a short time.  Your problems will still be there when you are through, but your mind will be refreshed and be able to cope with them better.

Here is a simple and quick relaxation exercise you can do anywhere to help your body calm down and focus better for the situations at hand.
  • Take a deep breath in and clench all your muscles.
  • Make a fist, tighten your arms and legs, scrunch your face and squeeze your eyes tightly closed.
  • Hold this for a about 20 - 30 seconds and then breath out and let go of all the tension.
  • Repeat this a couple of times and then begin breathing normally.
Another simple way to relax is to sit and close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing.  When you feel your mind wonder off, bring it right back in to your breathing again.  Learning to do this takes practice, but once you are able to do this for 5-10 minutes at a time without allowing your mind to wonder, it will become a great way to relax anywhere, and help you learn to keep things in perspective.

Take time this week to relax and keep working on that healthy, happy life your deserve.

Recommended Products:

For more information on health and wellness products I recommend, visit my website at

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Nutrition Affects our Energy

Today we will look at nutrition and what it has to do with our energy.  The answer is simple...Food is our energy.  All the energy that our body produces for us to utilize everyday is created by our food in some way or another.  There are foods that steal our energy, and foods that increase our energy.  The key to finding unlimited supplies of energy are to eat the "power" foods that give us the best source.  A good diet for making sure you have enough energy includes:  Fish (especially oily fish such as sardines and herring), Chicken, Farm Eggs at least three times a week, Salads and Leafy Greens, Granola and Nuts, Soybeans, Tofu, Fresh Fruit and Lots of Legumes.  Also, vegetable oils such as olive or grapeseed should be used when cooking, along with lots of filtered water.  Remember, the slower the food is released into the blood stream, the better it is for you.

High sugar, high fat foods cause a very quick surge of sugar to be released into the blood stream, and therefore, our body has to produce a large quantity of insulin to counter its affect.  This is what causes the extreme crash of  a high fat lunch or a quick sugary snack.  Remember, choose your foods wisely, and eat small meals and snacks often so that you can have a continual supply of healthy energy for your body to utilize throughout the day.  Also, always eat breakfast, as your body has been fasting for many hours and your blood sugar is low. 

Keep in mind that excess alcohol, caffeine, or carbonated drinks affects the nervous system, heart and circulation, and they give us an energy boost that is not real, and in the end they leave us feeling drowsy, irritable and unfocused.  Try to avoid these drinks whenever possible, and shoot for drinking water and snacking on a "power" food instead.  You'll feel the difference in no time, and your body will thank you.

In my next blog, I will be covering how to take time to relax, even in the midst of a busy day, which can make huge impacts on our energy levels and our productivity, but until then, keep working on that healthy, happy life you deserve.

Be sure to check out my website at

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Energy vs. Stress

Do you ever wake up wondering how your going to make it through the day?  I tend to measure my energy by how much I can get done.  A productive day means my energy levels were up, and on days when my energy is low, I'm not productive at all.  The reality is that even when our energy is low we force ourselves to get through the day and do what has to be done, so we cannot use productivity as a scale for energy.  I live a very high energy life.  I own a gym and spend 7-9 hours each day teaching gymnastics and cheerleading, working on marketing, dealing with finances, staffing and customer issues, writing speeches, planning meetings, updating my website,  and participating in conflict resolution.  All of which, drain my energy due to stress.  Stress is one of the main factors in stealing our energy.  We spend much of the time trying to combat it with caffeine, but to no avail.  We must make a choice to take control of our circumstances in order to get control of our energy. 

One of the most important steps we can take is to LISTEN to our bodies.  Know what your body  is telling you, and take steps to change the negative signals it is sending.  Finding energy is simply a matter of knowing what takes it from us, and what gives it to us.  Living healthy, keeping fit, relaxation, water, good nutrition and positive thoughts are all examples of things that will help us get and keep our energy levels up.  On the flip side, illness, poor nutrition, lack of rest, stress and negative emotions are examples of things that kill our energy.

Over the next week, I am going to look at some of these in detail to help us get control of our energy.  Stay tuned, and keep working on that healthy, happy life you deserve.


Please visit my website for more information on this and other health products I recommend at

Saturday, March 19, 2011

10 Steps to Lose Weight

1.  Stay in tune with your body.  Know when your full and stop eating when your satisfied, not stuffed!

2.  Make your meals smaller throughout the day.  Breakfast should be your largest meal, and they should gradually get smaller as the day goes on.

3.  Always remember that your next meal is more important than your last one.  Don't assume that because you messed up the last meal you ate that you have blown it.  Get back on track right away.  Don't give yourself the excuse, "I've already blown it so I'm just gonna eat whatever I want."

4.  Put a note on your refrigerator that asks, "Am I hungry, or am I bored."    This will remind you to consider the reasons you are choosing to eat at that time.

5.  Avoid sodas and high sugar drinks at all times.  High sugar drinks only increase your cravings for high sugar, high fat foods.

6.  Hang your swimsuit on your refrigerator door.  It will remind you why you are working to get healthy.

7.  Avoid eating after 8pm.  This gives your body ample time to digest all you have taken in for the day prior to going into sleep mode, which is also a very slow metabolism mode.

8.  Eat breakfast everyday.  This helps your body kickstart for the day.  It starts up your metabolism and gets your body systems going.

9.  Read your labels carefully.  Know the difference between calories per serving and total calories in a package.  You might be surprised to find out that many foods give you calories per serving, but there are more than one serving in a package.  READ LABELS everytime!

10.  Know what a serving size is for the foods you eat regularly.  Be sure to make an effort to know what a single serving is of all your favorite foods and snacks so that you can easily keep track of the amount of calories that you are consuming.

Remember, losing weight is simply burning more energy than you consume.  Keep it simple and keep it within your control.

Until next time, keep reaching for that healthy, happy life you deserve.


Friday, March 18, 2011

The (not so) Simple Truth About Losing Weight

Everyday, millions of women, men and children begin a diet to lose weight.  If we are overweight, then it is because of one of three reasons.  1.)  We eat too much.  2.)  We don't exercise enough  3.)  We have a medical condition such as endocrine disorder or hormone imbalance. Whatever the reason is, we should always consult our doctor to see if we are healthy enough to begin a diet or exercise program.

Assuming we have done this, then the next step would be to understand that there is no magic pill or supplement that will cause weight loss although there are many supplements that can help us along the way.  The truth is very simple:
The 3 Week Diet

In order to lose weight, you must consume less calories than you burn each day.

Your body weight is controlled by how many calorie you eat and how many you burn.  Sounds pretty simple doesn't it?  Well it is, but controlling the ratio of intake to outflow takes out the simplicity, and makes it difficult for us. Exercise is the key to keeping it simple.  Each time we choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk instead of drive to work, we are choosing to burn the energy or calories we have consumed.    Small lifestyle changes like these can make a huge difference in how our body begins to look and feel.  I have decided to make a commitment this next week to make some of these small changes in my exercise choices.  The few extra calories burned will add up, and help me to keep a better balance of the energy I use vs. the energy I consume.  Try it, and tell me how it goes.  

Until next time, keep working on that healthy, happy life you deserve.

Coach Ellen's Product Recommendations:

VISIT MY WEBSITE to take your FREE health assessment and get a printable recommendations report on your own personalized nutrition program.  HIPPA compliant and designed just for you.

Any link or ads that take you to an outside party indicates that I likely have an affiliate relationship and benefit in some way either by reciprocal links or financially.  I make all product recommendations and affiliate ad choices based on what I feel will most benefit my readers, not how much my commission or benefit is from that affiliate.