We all naturally assume that with age comes body and health decline, but what we fail to realize is aging is inevitable; however, the health effects and ailments that most of us get are optional. Yes, I said that. They are, for the most part, our choice. The majority of the aches and pains we have as we get older are not natural aging, but merely lifestyle choices.
Don’t get me wrong, gray hair, gravity taking its toll and getting your meals at half price are all uncontrollable effects of aging, however, decay and corrosion are not. You will begin to look old over time, but you don’t have to feel it. We can choose to make aging a very elegant and beautiful process simply by making a few lifestyle changes. Even on the appearance side of aging we can make a huge difference. We all know there is a large contrast between a good looking, healthy older person and one that has obviously chosen to let their selves corrode.
The first and most important change we can make in this process is exercise. It’s who we are designed to be – gatherers and hunters. Millions of years ago we were in charge of our food. If we didn’t gather or hunt it, we didn’t eat. Our biological make up hasn’t changed. We are designed to be active. Our brain is blind to the fact that we live in a world of abundance. The signals it sends to our body are based on our original hunter and gatherer creation. When we choose inactivity, we signal our brain that we are in winter, or famine or some other natural disaster that tells our body to begin to atrophy and die. You see, millions of years ago, we naturally died after child bearing years were over to make room for the next generation. This made sense because procreation was a main purpose of living during that time. Now, that’s not the case. The older generation now serves to provide wisdom and guidance to the younger generations, and is a valuable asset to our society. However, retirement, all too often, leads to atrophy. Retirement seems to equal inactivity, which, in turn leads to corrosion and death. Sounds great as we head into our older years, right? Well don’t be discouraged, in part two of this series of choosing health, we will talk about choices that affect our health and look at beginning to reverse and control the process of aging and health. Until then, keep working on the healthy, happy life you deserve.